Thursday, April 30, 2009

Entry for May 01, 2009

Listening to light-wordless music makes me a little bit nostalgic. Today is 1st of May. I have been living far away from my family for more than 1 month. Every people have already come back since yesterday - 30th of April. Cuong came back since 29th of April. Only me here. This morning I called my home, talked to my brother, the long the call was, the more nostalgic I was, Missing all, missing my village, my countryside. Even my 7 years old dog. I miss it. Last time I came back, It had already brought some small lovely dogs into the world, maybe 5 or 6, I can not remmeber clearly. These days I often could not be beside it because of having so short time (often less than 1 day) each time I came back. Suddenly a strong homesick comes to me. I intended to stay here during the holiday to study since I have so much work to do but I thought again. Perhaps tomorrow I will come back too, I can not stand nostalgic longer. Anyway, I must have dinner now in order to start learning earlier tonight, tomorrow I will come back !!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. nice to know u.
    so surprising when i see all ur entries are written in E.
    u love English, right?
    i will be glad when welcoming u to my blog.^^


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